The Third Annual Meeting in Nanjing in 2014
Official website:
Registration Form:
Abstract Submission Form:
Deadline for abstract submission: 23 June, 2014 (Monday)
The Good Practice in TCM Research Association is pleased to offer competitive grants to support PhD students to present their work at the 3rd Annual Meeting of GP-TCM RA. Awardees will receive a grant to cover at least the registration fee.
All GP-TCM RA members are entitled to a 20% discount of their registration fees
There will be a pre-conference Interest Groups Workshop in the afternoon of July 18, covering
Before the Nanjing Conference, all Interest Group webpages will be activated.
Call for Abstracts:
First Announcement-V9
To download the Abstract Submission Form: 3rd GP-TCM_RA_Annual Meeting Abstract_Submission Form – final
Main Scientific Topics:
Organizing Committee:
•Chairman: Prof. De-An Guo; Prof. Ping Li
•Secretariat: Dr. Hua Yang E-mail: [email protected] Website: