Genesis Conference, 9th December 2010, London, UK
Botanicals/Natural Products Stream
Genesis 2010 is celebrating their tenth anniversary, building on the conference’s successes from the last decade. This conference is an opportunity for knowledge transfer and debate amongst a 700+ delegation coming together from all over the world. After running a successful pilot in 2009, GP-TCM partner “Global Regulatory Services (GRS)” has been instrumental in ensuring that botanicals and natural products are an established feature for all future Genesis conferences. This demonstrates the level of interest and growth within this particular field. The Directors of GRS are expert advisors to WP7 of GP-TCM and have put together a programme which will not only be of interest to GP-TCM members but also to the wider audience. Genesis will provide a useful forum for GRS to raise the profile of GP-TCM and the group’s objectives for the long-term. By attending Genesis, GP-TCM members will have the opportunity to discuss the future of TCMs, and the challenges being faced, with like-minded people from all over the world. The Botanicals/Natural Products Stream itself will address some of these challenges and provide an insight into certain requirements such as quality, risk management and regulations. This year we have the added bonus of a Canadian delegation joining the stream both as delegates and presenters as well as a representative from the MHRA who is presenting on the Agency’s perspective of the European Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products. Please visit the conference website ( for details of the programme, venue and fees etc. Alternatively, you can download the meeting programme here: Genesis 2010 Programme. It would be lovely to see you there not only to see some friendly faces but also to heighten awareness of GP-TCM.