The Website Editorial Board is composed of all WP website representatives, and general maintenance and update of the website contents will be handled by the members of this board. Website Representatives for each WP are as follows: Monique Simmonds (WP1), Mirko Bayer (WP2), Hani El-Nezami (WP3), Dave Barlow (WP4), María Laura García Bermejo (WP5), Jin Xu (WP6), Tai-Ping Fan (WP7), Jun Jia (WP8), Marianne Verberne (WP9), and Halil Uzuner (WP10).
A teleconference was held on 20th January 2010, which brought together GP-TCM Website Representatives and Editorial Board members to help assign the project website maintenance tasks and duties to ensure the website is kept up-to-date and all partners are given necessary support on web-related issues. During the meeting, WP representatives discussed and agreed on their roles and responsibilities to maintain the project website. In addition, the latest website functionalities were demonstrated and discussed in detail. The labour division agreed during the meeting is as follows:
- GP-TCM website will be available in two languages for the time being, namely English (main language) and Chinese (available given that users enter information in Chinese).
- Each WP website representative will maintain their associated WP webpage and will be responsible of the contents displayed.
- Each representative will assist their WP members to use the website and upload/post items at their WP webpage.
- WP representatives will use/test the internal pages and provide feedback to Halil and Tai-Ping to further improve the project website.
The Website Editorial Board will gather when necessary to discuss major issues via teleconference meetings. The board will also make decisions via email exchanges if necessary.